Rabu, 07 Januari 2009

my love

i`m in so much pain. i felt so silly when i think of it. i won`t be harsh. i`m giving you all my will. do you need me? or do you need my help? go on, just say it. i`m waiting. still waiting. i`ve been waiting for this from the start. and i haven`t got my answer. even until now. yeah, until now.. you seemed so happy without me. you had all the love you can get. have you ever think of me? guess not, huh? now i`m trying to make you understand what i feel.
when you are about to loose me. then you`ll change. into the lovely person i know you are. but, where the hell have you been all this time? all i see is the other side of you. and i haven`t noticed it all along untill now! how idiot can i be? then, it all came to this. you want me on your side for as long as you need me. but you also want them to be by your side? don`t be greedy dear. you might loose all you have. and then you`ll know what it`s like to be me. it`s not easy i`m warning you~
but no matter how much you break my heart. there`ll always be a new one for you my love.

6 komentar:

  1. om reja! ini mantab sekali loh. hehehe
    ajyib lah!

  2. man..SKSD banget lw.. Emang lw kenal?? wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk...

  3. hahahaha. biar aja sih ger. kok lo sirik amat? tenkyu om usman! gue ngeblog sebagai sarana curhat colongan. haha.

  4. wah,,jdnya gw yg dipojokan,,ampunnn...wkwkwkwkwkwkwkw...
    nah,,itu dia tmn gw ja,,nama william usman,panggilannya ULUWATU,,ntar kpan2 gw kenalin deh,,siapa tau lw berdua cocok,,wkwkwkwkkwkwkwkwwk..
    ngomong2 kita bertiga punya blog saling timbal balik lho,,saling jd member,,lw liatin aja dah..wakaakakkkakakaka..

  5. hahahaha. biar menuh2in gitu ya? wakakaka. oke oke kapan2 ajak gue aja. salam kenal om usman! salam olah raga. wakakakka

  6. man, who are you? do we know each other? it may seem weird but i really think i can write the exact same story to myself especially this one. even i think of this as one of writings i did in the past. damn, so accurate, but bolder than my style. lol xD
